Haoran Zhu


ML & Optimization Researcher

Email: haoranzhu94 [at] gmail [dot] com
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I am currently a Senior Applied Scientist at Microsoft. Previously I was a PhD student in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, working with Jeff Linderoth and Alberto Del Pia. I obtained my B.S. in Mathematics and Statistics from Nanjing University in 2016 and my M.S. in Computer Sciences from UW-Madison in 2020.

I am interested in broad areas of optimization with more focus on discrete and combinatorial optimization. Most of my latest work are centered around the development and study of polyhedral relaxations for a variety of nonconvex sets that appear frequently in different optimization problems. For more details, you can see my statement of research here.


In Progress

Other Publications


Patent Application

Industry Experience


Other Stuff

In my spare time, other than research and work, I am also actively engaged in all kinds of physical sports and activities. Soccer, running, hiking and swimming are some of my favorites. I am also competitive in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Sometimes I like posting videos in Instagram.